When buying males

A little to know about buying males rats. Males rats are alot more cuddly, they enojoy spending more time sleeping and getting cuddles and kisses from there owner then females, males can be very active and playfull too depends on personality. Males can be a more affectionate and squishy once they are about 8 to 10 months old then females as females keep active and racy untill they start to get old or  few big litters which causes them to settle down and be very snuggly, males enjoy company of other males and most of the time with good breeding wont fight . if you want a lap pet males are definetly the pet for you .

When buying females

Things to know about females when buying  Females  make great pets, they are very playfull, they like chasing things and jumping around and chasing each other, females are less laid back as males and enjoy mostly runing around but that doesent mean you cant find a laid back female as i have sandy and she is a real sweetheart always enjoys a good snuggles with me. So at the end of the day both males and femals make amazing pets just depends on what kind of pet you want and remeber all rats have a very big personality!!!